Our Language
Arts Access Victoria respects how Deaf and Disabled people choose to define disability in their own way.
Chelle Destefano in front of her artwork at the Ignite 2019 exhibition launch.
We use the term ‘Deaf and Disabled people’ in line with the Social Model of Disability. We use this definition as an act of pride and solidarity.
The term ‘Deaf and Disabled people’ includes anyone with a lived experience of disability. This could be:
We use ‘Deaf’ to respect the right of the Deaf community to label their experience as one of cultural and linguistic difference.
AAV is a disability-led arts organisation.
In an arts practice context, this means that Deaf and Disabled people have creative control of the projects.
In an organisational context, this means that the organisation is run by a majority of Deaf and Disabled people.
Something Else, Echo Collective, The Kiln, Arts Centre Melbourne, 2019. Photo by Pippa Samaya.