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A pencil line drawing of four kids are sitting together.

Capturing The City, David, drawing, 2019.

Reasonable and necessary supports can, however, mean different things to different people. Part of the NDIS planning process is thinking about the supports you want, like arts programs or studios, and how they meet the NDIS criteria. You might find our NDIS Resources useful for this.

Some things that might help you self-advocate for the arts in your NDIS plan are:

  • Writing a statement about why and how the arts are important to you
  • Writing down life goals and aspirations that involve creative activities, like arts programs
  • Finding arts programs, providers and other creative opportunities that interest you
  • Talking to your family and friends who support your arts participation

Please see Our Services to find out what NDIS supports we offer. It could range from phone advice, to joining you in your planning meetings.

See Our Services for more information

Art and You: A Planning Guide is our NDIS planning tool. It will help you think and express how you like to make and experience art.

Check out our NDIS planning resources