Queensland University of Technology
Bree Hadley is Professor in Drama, and Study Area Coordinator – Acting & Drama in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education, and Social Justice at QUT, co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Disability Arts, Culture and Media Studies (2019, with Donna McDonald), Disability, Public Space Performance & Spectatorship: Unconscious Performers (Palgrave 2014), and articles on diversity, access, and inclusion in the arts in journals, industry press, newspapers, and other platforms.
The University of Melbourne
Eddie Paterson lectures in scriptwriting for theatre, contemporary performance, new media and games at the University of Melbourne. His research explores intersections between performance and everyday life - with a focus on radical writing practices, disability arts and climate politics.
Curtin University
Her research focuses on disability and the media extending across both representation and active possibilities for social inclusion.
Queensland University of Technology
Janice is Associate Professor in the School of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering at Queensland University of Technology.
Arts Access Victoria
After 16 years living and working in the UK, Caroline returned to Australia in July 2018 to take up the role as Chief Executive Officer at Arts Access Victoria. She is best known as a performer, maker, teacher, speaker and mosquito buzzing in the ears of the arts industry in the UK and further afield.
Australia Council for the Arts
Christen is a researcher, writer and project manager with a unique and diverse skill set and over 10 years of experience in the tertiary education sector. Her primary areas of research include cultural studies, cultural policy, Inter-Asia cultural studies and urban studies, while more recently she has become engaged in applied research on the social and cultural impacts of investment in the arts.
Australia Council for the Arts
Experienced engagement and impact specialist, program manager and diversity lead with a demonstrated history of working across different sectors. Skilled in strategy, non-profits, partnerships, communications and programs, my focus is on creativity, impact and change.
Queensland University of Technology
Queensland University of Technology
Queensland University of Technology
Curtin University
The University of Melbourne