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Help Shape Our Programs for Young People Survey.

What do you want the future of AAV's programs for young people to look like?

A coloured pencil drawing of three people sitting. They are an outline-based drawing.

Are you 25 years or younger?

Do you have a passion or interest in the arts?

We want to hear from you!

We are running a survey about what the future of our programs for young people should be.

If you fill out the survey you could win one of three $100 Visa gift cards.

Fill out our survey via survey monkey

or by downloading a word document and emailing it back to us.

Download Word Document Survey [93 KB]

At the end of this survey, you can enter a draw to win one of three $100 Visa gift cards.

All responses will be presented anonymously. The responses we collect will be used to help shape our future programs for you people and will be part of our report for Future Reset.

This survey is a part of our partnership with Vic Health for their Future Reset initiative. Click here to find out more about Future Reset.
