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Stella Young Award 2023

Arts Access Victoria cherishes the memory of our collaborator Stella Young and honours her by awarding a young Australian disabled artist each year with $3,000.

Stella Young at the opening of Nebula

Applications close Monday 8 May at 5.00 pm.

This is a great opportunity for young disabled artists aged between 16 and 30 years old to be recognised for their impact on disability activism and culture through their artistic practice (in comedy, performing arts or screen culture).

Applicants must:

  • identify as a Deaf and/or Disabled person;
  • have created work (paid or voluntary) in either comedy, performing arts or screen culture;
  • be between the ages of 16 and 30
  • be a permanent resident of Australia; and
  • have made a powerful impact through their practice.

You can apply online or download the application form

Submit your application by 5.00 pm on Monday 8 May to or via the application form below.

The Stella Young Award was established in 2018 in Young’s name. It recognises her impact on society through her early work with Disability Media Australia, in particular, the program ‘No Limits’, which challenged the representation of disability in Australian screen. As Young said, “You get proud by practicing” and, in this spirit, we aim to help the next generation of artists and activists with disability by awarding the talents of those trying to challenge the system today.

“The confidence receiving this award has given me is indescribable. It’s really helped me see that the way I’m forming my career is going to have an impact and is absolutely heading in the right direction to be able to help carry on Stella’s passions and advocacy is a true honour.” – Amy Marks 2021 Winner



The 2021 Stella Young Award was awarded to Amy Marks. Below, you can watch two previous winners, Madeleine Little and Vanessa Jo Di Natale, speak at ‘The Art of Pride: Deaf & Disabled Artist Networking Event’.


The award is made possible by the amazing work and legacy of Disability Media Australia (formerly Grit Media). We thank everyone involved with the organisation and those involved in the production of ‘No Limits’.


Application form

You can fill out the application form online via our website.

You can download the application form and email it back to us

We can email or post an application to you if you would prefer. Email or call us on 9699 8299.

Frequently Asked Questons

The award is intended to recognise the work of young artists and activists with disability who are using their artistic practice as a tool for challenging preconceptions about disability.
You must:

  • identify as a Deaf and/or Disabled person;
  • have created work (paid or voluntary) in either comedy, performing arts or screen culture;
  • be between the ages of 16 and 30; and
  • be a permanent resident of Australia
  • have made a powerful impact in their practice

The applications are now open and will close 5.00 pm on Monday 8 May.

You can apply by filling out the form on our website or by downloading the application form as a word document on our website.

We can email or post an application to you.

Phone: 03 9699 8299 (voice only)/ 0401 224 864(text or voice)

Absolutely! Talk to us if you would prefer to submit a video or audio application. Applications in Auslan are also invited.

If you are the successful recipient of the Stella Young Award you will get a one-off payment of $3,000.

We are looking for young people who have used their art (comedy, performing arts or screen culture) to have an impact on how the community thinks about disability. It could be an artistic outcome that you have presented in the community or online, such as a short film, or a performance. You could have been behind the scenes getting a project up and running, or it could have been your own work of art. But you will be a proud artist, activist who is determined to create opportunities for greater inclusion and equality.

Tell us about your achievements, art and activism but keep in mind the word limits. Include links to images, short films or publications that will help us to assess your achievements.

That’s entirely up to you! This is an award for your achievements, not a scholarship towards future projects.

Unfortunately, in the interests of fairness to all applicants, the selection panel cannot give feedback on your application.

Yes, we will endeavour to give you feedback in writing about your application.

The selection panel consists of four community representatives with ties to Stella Young, the arts and disability sector, Deaf and Disabled people and Disability Media Australia.

We will notify you of the outcome of your application in late May.

Established in 1974, AAV has since become the state’s peak body for arts and disability.

AAV’s agenda is the social and artistic transformation for Deaf and Disabled people, the community and access to the arts sector. It achieves this through Disability-led advocacy:

  • Community arts and cultural development programs for more than 1300 Deaf and Disabled people.
  • Professional development programs for Deaf and Disabled artists with creative and employment outcomes.
  • Working with industry to increase Deaf and Disabled participation and access.

AAV has established itself as the driving force for an inclusive, accessible art and cultural sector in Victoria.

AAV shares unique and untold stories that challenge the issues that frame the lives of Deaf and Disabled people. It places Deaf and Disabled artists, not at the margins, but centre stage. Recognising them instead as significant and invaluable contributors to the Australian cultural landscape.

You can contact Alanah Guiry:

You can phone us: 03 9699 8299 (voice only)/ 0401 224 864 (text or voice) Please note these numbers are for reception, we will forward you to the right person when you contact us.