Art Day South

Showing 1–16 of 87 results

circular and oblong shapes of colour overlaid with flecks of blues, yellows, pinks, whites and reds on an orange background

Untitled by Robert Brown

colourful flowers with yellow outlines and many leaves in blues, reds, white and yellow on a black background, on a white wall

Untitled by Robert Brown

a giant flower with many petals in yellows, greens, pinks and whites on a blue background on a white wall

Untitled by Robert Brown

large colourful flowers with many petals and leaves in yellow, blue, white, pink and red on a black background

Untitled by Robert Brown

two yellow figures made from bright tape on a plinth, one seated with long legs, one is standing with short stout legs

Robot by Jonathan Thompson

two yellow figures made from bright tape on a plinth, one seated with long legs, one is standing with short stout legs

Untitled by Jonathan Thompson

two black and white killer whales are stretching up to the sky from a dotted waterscape.

Killer Whale II by Paula Whiting

black and white killer whale is stretched on its back on a black dotted background.

Killer Whale I by Paula Whiting

Oblong abstract drawing of greens, browns, yellows overlaid with pink and red swirls, framed in a dark wood frame

Untitled by Michael Gelsi

installation view of colourful textile sculpture on a plinth that is cascading off the plinth and on the gallery floor and creeping up a wall.

Untitled by Lorraine Hayes

large blue cat holding two people with big ears with a colourful bird hovering below.

Cat Holding Birds by Kristy Sweeney

large colourful watercolour creature with many legs is surrounded by four watercolour creatures with long legs.

Birds Chasing People by Kristy Sweeney

blue, green, yellow and black horizontal columns with cross hatching.

Untitled by Katina Anapaikos

blue lined mountains in a landcape of striped hills and a red sun

Mountaineer by Karim Sarakbi

yellow outstretched figure leaning backwards with red undies hovering above a green snake eating an animal on a background of patterns of various colours.

Red Undies by Karim Sarakbi

grey and silver textured figure standing on a natural wood base.

2BT by Jonathan Thompson